Roofing Series – Choosing the Right Roofing Material and comparison talk on “EPDM VS PVC”

As an owner of flat roof or low slopped roof your roofing needs are different from traditional roofing structures or more steeply sloped rooftops. You have to prepare your roof to be more weather resistant and not prone to water ponding.

EPDM vs. PVC: The Debate?

As the two most common flat roofing options, EPDM and PVC remain head-to-head with each other making choices difficult for roofers. EPDM or Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer is a specific type of synthetic rubber while PVC is a vinyl-like material made of chlorine and ethylene.

epdm roof

The Pros and Cons of EPDM

EPDM roofing materials are very durable and long-lasting. They are strong UV-resistant and are able to resist extreme weather changes both hot and cold without turning brittle or breaking down. EPDM is able to flex enough to support structural movement, too. But the biggest advantage of EPDM roofing is that it does not require special equipment or skill needed to install it. Lastly it is one of the most affordable roofing materials available on the market.

The Pros and Cons of PVC

PVC is identical to EPDM in terms UV resistance and handling extreme weather variations. PVC is also fire and chemical resistantand typically inhibits the growth of any fungi or plant materials. On the downside PVC roofing installation is the job for professionals who should know how to handle machines and tools properly. This makes PVC a bit expensive than EPDM roofing.

EPDM vs. PVC is a never ending debate however, if you are looking for a long-lasting, easy to install and affordable roofing material then EPDM roofing materials may be the ideal choice.

If you feel interested and want to know more about EPDM roofing visit, and for EPDM vs. PVC comparison visit,

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